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Military & Warfare Books

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

Catch 22

Catch 22 is a satirical war novel by American author Joseph Heller. He began writing it in 1953; the novel was first published in 1961. Often cited as one of the most significant novels of the twentieth century, it uses a distinctive non-chronological third-person omniscient narration, describing events from the points of view of different characters. The separate storylines are out of sequence so the timeline develops along with the plot. The novel is set during World War II, from 1942 to 1944. It mainly follows the life of antihero Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier. Most of the events in the book occur while the fictional 256th US Army Air Squadron is based on the island of Pianosa, in the Mediterranean Sea west of Italy, though it also covers episodes from basic training at Lowry Field in Colorado and Air Corps training at Santa Ana Army Air Base in California. The novel examines the absurdity of war and military life through the experiences of Yossarian and his cohorts, who attempt to maintain their sanity while fulfilling their service requirements so that they may return home. The book was made into a film adaptation in 1970, directed by Mike Nichols. In 1994, Heller published a sequel to the 1961 novel entitled Closing Time.

Art of War - Sun Tzu

Art of War

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, the high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of Which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. Written in the 6th century B.C., remains the ultimate guide to combat strategy. Sun Tzu explains when and how to engage opponents in order to prevail in difficult situations. Instead of describing the logistics of warfare, he shows the reader how to succeed by motivating soldiers and leveraging tactical advantages. In short, he explains how to win the battle of wits. Though it was written for the battlefield, The Art of War contains valuable advice for other endeavors as well. Tzu's work has been lauded by sports coaches, business executives, and other leaders of the 21st century. This edition contains the translation of Lionel Giles, widely considered the most faithful and authoritative translation. Dalton Fury, New York Times bestselling author of Tier One Wild and Kill Bin Laden, says this: "Dean Garner's version of The Art of War confirms for us that for the past 2,000 years the fundamental principles of special operations in battle have not only remained true, but they apply equally to today's boardrooms and bedrooms. When on the hunt or holding ground, success can only be had by the precise application of disguise, deception and diversion, and a genuine appreciation for angles, inches, and seconds. Ranger Garner masterfully shows us how."

华杉讲透《孙子兵法》 - 华杉


《华杉讲透《孙子兵法》内容简介:《孙子兵法》6111字,似乎每个字都艰深玄奥,让很多人望而却步;其实,只要抓住兵法的根本思想,就会发现处处豁然开朗、字字明明白白。 本书作者华杉,研究孙子兵法二十余年;在本书中,抓住兵法根本思想,通过155个经典战例,将《孙子兵法》的原意剖析得详尽透彻。同时援引2000多年来,解读《孙子兵法》的传世注家曹操、杜牧等11人的注解,从不同角度还原兵法原意。 全书通俗流畅,精彩纷呈;背水一战、围魏救赵等经典战例,更是讲解得令人身临其境,犹如置身战场上空,看交战双方兵马调动,浴血奋战,在震天的厮杀声中演绎着兵法的深邃思想。 翻开本书,直窥《孙子兵法》堂奥,既简单、又深邃、既朴实、又玄妙;开启一场通往智慧的非凡阅读体验。

The Good Shepherd - C.S. Forester

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd has been adapted into a major motion picture, Greyhound, scripted by and starring Tom Hanks, directed by Aaron Schneider, and produced by Gary Goetzman. A convoy of thirty-seven merchant ships is ploughing through icy, submarine-infested North Atlantic seas during the most critical days of World War II, when the German submarines had the upper hand and Allied shipping was suffering heavy losses. In charge is Commander George Krause, an untested veteran of the U.S. Navy. Hounded by a wolf pack of German U-boats, he faces 48 hours of desperate peril trapped the bridge of the ship. Exhausted beyond measure, he must make countless and terrible decisions as he leads his small fighting force against the relentless U-boats.

Hurry Up & Wait - DENISE BROWN

Hurry Up & Wait

This story is loosely based on recollections of females who have spent time in a military training environment.

A USNA Mom's Journal - AN Shine

A USNA Mom's Journal

A USNA Mom's Journal - From Appointment through Commissioning and Beyond! What you Need to Know, is an invaluable resource full of up-to-date information, useful tips, insights, and advice that is helpful even for military families that may not be familiar with the inner workings of USNA. This book is a must read for new and not-so-new U.S. Naval Academy parents and families alike. I have Included everything that our family learned from our many wonderful mentors and our personal experience through our seven year journey with our two Midshipmen, from my Dad (USNA '59), from counseling other parents, as parent club officers/presidents and more. Personal stories, knowing to expect the unexpected (such as CoVid and/or possible virtual Commissioning), and glitches that can happen along the way are all presented here in a candid conversational style. I walk with you every step of the way.  You will find this book to be your "go-to" reference guide to help you navigate the unique four year journey that is N*ot College at USNA. Welcome Aboard!

French Foreign Legion for Beginners - Thomas Gast

French Foreign Legion for Beginners

This book is the perfect guide for anyone interested in joining the French Foreign Legion. Do you meet the entry requirements? What needs special attention? Will you be able to get out of the contract? Do you have to speak French? How fit do you really have to be? Are tattoos or glasses a problem? How can I prepare physically, etc.? All the answers meet the latest standards. - I advise no one to join the French Foreign Legion on the assumption of glamour or glory - the Author says: Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. (William Jennings Bryan).

Verdugos - Ana Lilia Pérez


Cada año 470 miembros del ejército ingresan en hospitales por diagnóstico de enfermedades mentales. ¿Qué hay alrededor de esa rotunda estadística? Este libro intenta trazar algunas respuestas a la luz del violento presente que vive el país. A través de las páginas de este libro, el lector es testigo del dramático proceso mediante el cual un militar puede convertirse en un verdugo y cómo cualquier ciudadano está a su merced. Por medio de un eficaz estilo que amalgama periodismo narrativo, crónica y reportaje, Ana Lilia Pérez aborda un tema crucial para entender el clima de inseguridad y vulnerabilidad que oprime a la sociedad: la actuación del ejército mexicano durante los últimos años. La autora examina a detalle la violencia estructural de las filas castrenses y cuestiona frontalmente la impunidad en numerosos casos en los que se ha permitido que militares infrinjan la ley, violen los derechos humanos y ataquen a la población civil, sin que haya ninguna consecuencia judicial. En esta perspectiva, una de las historias centrales del libro es la de Delmer y José David, dos adolescentes centroamericanos que en su travesía por México hacia Estados Unidos fueron asesinados a sangre fría por un soldado, mientras dormían al aire libre en una población del estado de Coahuila. En la investigación del crimen, se descubrió que el militar padecía alucinaciones en las que tres personas lo seguían y le mandaban mensajes por televisión para ordenarle que matara a la gente a su alrededor. Con hechos como éste se retratan las entrañas de las fuerzas armadas y las dos caras de su disciplina, la cual se cimienta en una rígida educación, pero también en abusos de poder, maltratos y humillaciones.

'Charlie, Don't be a Hero' - Krista Keating-Joseph

'Charlie, Don't be a Hero'

Charlie, Don't Be a Hero' is a moving story from a mother's heart about her son, Charles Keating IV, an All-American boy who grew up to become a heroic U.S. Navy SEAL. At age thirty-one, his death by ISIS in 2016 on the battlefields in Iraq made headlines worldwide. His story, told only as a mother can tell it, is that of an extraordinary young man whose love of family and country propelled him to incredible heights as a soldier and as a person. She helps us remember that the men and women who serve our country are sons and daughters, mothers and fathers. Krista Keating-Joseph touchingly shares the gut-wrenching emotions she and her family experienced, and how her faith in God never wavered, but strengthened. Her stories of Charlie growing up as an extremely adventurous, fun-loving boy show how he would one day be perfectly suited for the mental and physical toughness of a SEAL who ultimately made a huge difference in so many people's lives. Krista's pride in how her son lived brings support to any parent who has lost a child.

POW Escape and Evasion: SAS & Elite Forces Guide - Chris McNab

POW Escape and Evasion: SAS & Elite Forces Guide

POW Escape and Evasion covers everything you need to know about making a successful return to friendly territory. Beginning from the point where a combatant finds himself or herself trapped in enemy territory, the book offers useful tips and solid advice on how to evade capture and, if that fails, how to escape. Key topics include the will to survive; handling stress in captivity; escape techniques; survival in a variety of environments, including urban, rural, jungle and desert; how to forage for food; tracking and how to cover your tracks; navigation, with or without a map; and seeking recovery by friendly forces. The book also includes a number of real life accounts of POW escape from World War II (including The Great Escape story and Colditz), the Vietnam War (Dieter Dengler, with others, escaping from Laos), the Balkans, Iraq (Thomas Hamill in 2004) and Afghanistan. With more than 120 black-&-white artworks and with easy-to-follow text, POW Escape and Evasion is for anyone who wants to know how to survive in the most stressful of circumstances and emerge a winner. This is a book that could save your life.

图说孙子兵法(读酷典藏插图版) - 李明宇


读酷®出品 书非酷不能读 【编辑推荐】 ★这一回让你真正读懂《孙子兵法》! ★它是世界公认的现存最古老的军事理论著作。被人们尊奉为“兵经”、“百世谈兵之祖”,即便是在当下,里面知识能让你增广见闻,谋略让你在求学、职场、商界、政界、生活中无往不利。 ★全书逐字逐句讲透兵法原意,通透解读局势把控原理,通俗剖析历史经典战例,同时通过100余张珍贵历史插图,配以详细图解,从不同角度着力讲透兵法奥义,还原群雄逐鹿时代战争全貌! ★电子书设计雅正、精致大方,阅读更方便。 【关于我们】 读酷(ducool)致力于出品高端电子书, 让移动阅读能超越纸质书的阅读体验! 我们知道,您不会因为是电子书就降低对品质的要求。 因此,我们以匠心制作每一本电子书,不但全部由设计师精心手作, 大部分还配以高清图片、多媒体以及互动, 确保阅读体验达到甚至超过纸质书。 在内容方面,我们的专业编辑团队对每一本书都进行了精挑细选, 力求做到宁缺勿滥,帮助读者把好第一道关。 请认准读酷®品牌,这是我们对您的品质承诺。 欢迎关注我们的微信“读酷ducool” 北京新学堂网络科技有限公司 荣誉出品 【内容介绍】 全书保持原有的兵法十三篇的篇章结构,吸取古今整理、注释、校勘的优秀成果,对《孙子兵法》每篇逐一剖析,战例、插图、图解等资料丰富,解说详尽,条理清晰,通俗易懂,加之图片精美,作者见解独到,是一部值得大众阅读的国学读物。 【名人、用户评价】 中国古代大军事家孙武子书上“知彼知己,百战不殆”这句话,是包括学习和使用两个阶段说的,包括认识世界中的发展规律,并按照这些规律,去决定自己的行动克服当前敌人而说的;我们不要轻看这句话。——毛泽东 就中国历史来考究,二千多年的兵法,有十三篇,那十三篇兵书,便成立为中国的军事哲学。——孙中山 《孙子兵法》内容博大精深,思想精邃富赡,逻辑缜密严谨,是古代汉族军事思想精华的集中体现。而读酷出版的电子书一直都有很好的质量,图书设计简洁肃古,章前头有题解,书中注释很详细,战例很吸引人,分析鞭辟入里,插图和图解的内容增色不少,总的来说很好。——锦衣夜行 中国战略管理的经典之作,如果说一定要看的一本书那就是《孙子兵法》,关键是要融会贯通和转化,不论从事各行各业都要拜读它,其中不战而屈人之兵是其精髓。——鸿鹄 孙子十三篇,不仅用于军事,为人处世,日常生活,也有值得借鉴之处。现在的家长大部分让孩子学英语,学钢琴,很少给孩子教授这些国学典籍,让人痛心。——王师定中原

The Thin Path - Francis Morgan & Josephine Lai

The Thin Path

Enhanced audio with music, sound affects and professional actors.  "The Thin Path" is the 65th book in the series of beginning readers from New Sound in Book 65: /th/  New Words in Book 65: thin, path, tree The 80 books in the series use systematic phonics to ensure that your beginning readers will get a great start in reading proficiency. The books begin at a very simple level and gradually introduce new sounds and words until students have mastered all 44 phonemes (sounds) in the English language.  The books should be read in order, because the sounds and words in each book build upon those learned in previous books. It is important that students master each book before moving on to the next. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least 5 times in the book in which it first appears and 5 more times in the next 10 books.   Story Summary: Kit went camping with her friends and got stuck up a fig tree. She climbed the tree to collect figs for her friends. Mit and Sam rescued Kit. Back at camp, everyone enjoyed the figs.

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Art of War

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu ("Master Sun", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to an aspect of warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that would be formalised as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare and has influenced both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, lifestyles and beyond. The book contained a detailed explanation and analysis of the Chinese military, from weapons and strategy to rank and discipline. Sun also stressed the importance of intelligence operatives and espionage to the war effort. Because Sun has long been considered to be one of history's finest military tacticians and analysts, his teachings and strategies formed the basis of advanced military training for centuries to come. The book was translated into French and published in 1772 (re-published in 1782) by the French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot. A partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. Military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong, Japanese daimyō Takeda Shingen, Vietnamese general Võ Nguyên Giáp, and American military general Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. have drawn inspiration from the book.

Counter Sniper Guide - United States Army

Counter Sniper Guide

With the increase in civil disorders, the term sniper has come into common usage (particularly in the press) which is in general, erroneously used in that the term is commonly applied to any person who fires at a specific area ox person with any type of firearm. Webster defines a SNIPER as “a sharp-shooter concealed to harass the enemy by picking off individual members, usually at long range, and with a telescope-sight equipped rifle.” Regardless of what we may call him, the individual who is shooting at police, firemen, soldiers or citizens is certainly dangerous. In order to counteract, we must employ a trained individual whose knowledge and skill fall within the dictionary description of a sniper, whom we shall refer to throughout the manual as a COUNTERSNIPER. This manual provides general basic information, which we hope will be of assistance to those concerned in the selection of equipment, training, and employment of the counter sniper. The contents of this manual pertaining to the selection of equipment are presented in the sequence that it is felt should be followed in determining the end item best suited to the needs of the user. Chapter 1. Ammunition Chapter 2. Rifles Chapter 3. Sights Chapter 4. Noise and Muzzle Flash Chapter 5. General Notes Annex B Annex “C” #1 Annex “C” #2 Annex “C” #3 Annex “C” #4 Annex “D” #1 Annex “D” #2 Annex E

三十六计 - 陈学东


编辑推荐语 三十六计是中国兵略的精华,是在各种环境下克敌或避敌制胜的法宝。三十六计不仅适应于军事,也广泛运用在生活中的各个领域。 三十六计中,每六条计策为一套,其中胜战计、攻战计和并战计是处于优势情况下使用的对策;敌战计、混战计和败战计是处于劣势情况下使用的对策。三十六计变化万端、诙诡奇谲,运用之妙,存乎一心。 内容提要 《三十六计》一书,约成书于明、清之交,而在此之前的很长一段时间 里,散在而广泛地流传于民间。是我国流传较为久远,普及面较为广泛的兵 法通俗读物。它集历代兵家“韬略”“诡道”之大成,素有兵法和谋略奇书 之称。书中的不少计名、用语为人们耳热能详,闪烁着智慧的火花。它不仅 可以用于军事,对于启迪人们的心智亦功不可没。

El libro de los Cinco Anillos - Miyamoto Musashi

El libro de los Cinco Anillos

En este audiolibro encontrará el Manuscrito del fuego, del Libro de los cinco anillos, escrito por Miyamoto Musashi, en él presenta el Arte de la Guerra a pequeña y gran escala, como uno de los más reconocidos Samurái de todos los tiempos, sus estrategias y técnicas le ayudarán para la superación personal.

The Science of Soldiers - Lucia Tarbox Raatma

The Science of Soldiers

What does it take to be a soldier? Strength and intelligence both play a part, but soldiers need extra help to do their job of defending their country. Enter technology such as satellites, robotics, and computers. Learn all about these forms of technology and the scientific principles behind them.

Your Defensive Handgun Training Program - Michael R Seeklander

Your Defensive Handgun Training Program

YOUR DEFENSIVE HANDGUN TRAINING PROGRAM (BOOK)Another great performance enhancing product from Shooting-Performance (, Your Defensive Handgun Training Program is a cutting edged functional training program designed to develop the skills needed to survive a high stress encounter while using the most commonly carried weapon system in the U.S., the handgun. If you are armed and carry a handgun daily (CCW holders, Law Enforcement Officers, etc.), get the tools to prepare yourself for the fight of their life. This book is your answer! While there are numerous "tactical" handgun books out there, some with good material, most do not address the "how to train" question. This book is different, and includes a full training program including training trills and a schedule to follow. The techniques in this book can be applied to any type of handgun, so no matter what you carry, this program is for you! Training drills or technique alone do not address the complex needs of someone during a high stress encounter where lethal force might be needed, and this book contains an entire program dedicated to all aspects of training for a fight. THIS STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE INCLUDES: •Carry Gun Selection and Modification•Legal Considerations (written by Marty Hayes)•Mental Preparation•Physical Preparation•Firearm Skills Development•Alternate Methods of Training•The Training Design Cycle•High Performance Handgun Marksmanship and Manipulation Techniques•Close Quarters Techniques•Low Light Techniques•And much more!For the total immersion experience please strongly consider buying the DVD set or Vimeo Download ( that was designed to be used in this program!

SAS and Elite Forces Guide Sniper - Martin Dougherty

SAS and Elite Forces Guide Sniper

SAS and Elite Forces Guide: Sniper describes the psychological makeup of a sniper, what training is required to become an expert marksman, and what weapons are used by special forces snipers today. Using 300 instructive illustrations, Elite Forces Handbook: Sniper shows how special forces units such as the SAS, Army Rangres, Navy Seals, and Delta Force train their most elite soldiers.

图说三十六计 - 李明宇


读酷®出品 书非酷不能读 【编辑推荐】 ★《三十六计》是我国古代卓越兵家的智慧结晶,是世界军事谋略学的宝贵遗产之一。 ★“六六三十六,数中有术,术中有数。阴阳燮理,机在其中。机不可设,设则不中。”你可知道其中的玄妙? ★“瞒天过海”、“声东击西”、“暗度陈仓”……一个成语一个计谋,你可知道它们由何而来,又是怎样被运用,从而改写历史的? ★一本兵书又将如何四两拨千斤影响你当下的生活? ★一个典故+一句原文+详细注解+按语发散+译文+赏析解读+史实故事+高清彩绘插图=全方位解读三十六计。 ★纸质书畅销各大图书网站,电子书将高质视觉呈现,相同内容却有不一样的精彩阅读体验。 【关于我们】 读酷(ducool)致力于出品高端电子书, 让移动阅读能超越纸质书的阅读体验! 我们知道,您不会因为是电子书就降低对品质的要求。 因此,我们以匠心制作每一本电子书,不但全部由设计师精心手作, 大部分还配以高清图片、多媒体以及互动, 确保阅读体验达到甚至超过纸质书。 在内容方面,我们的专业编辑团队对每一本书都进行了精挑细选, 力求做到宁缺勿滥,帮助读者把好第一道关。 请认准读酷®品牌,这是我们对您的品质承诺。 欢迎关注我们的微信“读酷ducool” 北京新学堂网络科技有限公司 荣誉出品 【内容简介】 本书在原著的基础上,保留古文原语、按语的内容,并加以解读,进而将古今中外的计谋运用实例加以穿插评点,同时对计谋运用的条件和精髓加以精练阐述,汲取国学知识传承传统文化的同时,也堪称一部现代生活的谋略之书。 【用户评价】 国学的魅力在于历经岁月的淘洗仍能经久不衰,《图说三十六计》中的谋略,历来被人们所重视,即便在今天也是如此。这是由于人们被其所富含的“巧”与“智”所深深吸引,并且将其引入政治、经济、哲学、管理等各个相关领域。即天下之事,大道相通,可推而广之。——老槐树皮 这本书不仅载述原文并加以详解,而且把重点放在“评点”上。“评点”力求准确把握原文精神,并对语义、语源和用途作必要的叙述与考证,再加上引述适量的战例和其他史料,为读者扩充学识,增强可读性与趣味性,是一本好书。——饮鸩止渴 图文并茂,效果很好,最主要下载到ipad后,阅读很方便。每天给儿子讲一篇,他全部记住了,很喜欢里面的故事,不仅学习了计谋还学习到成语。——NobleRot

The Rosetta Stone of Memories - Stephen Trujillo

The Rosetta Stone of Memories

The Rosetta Stone of Memories is the second installment in the series Tales of the Rangers by Stephen Trujillo. This sequel to A Tale of the Grenada Raiders includes two books in one: Metamorphosis and Revelation , exclusively available on iBooks. Stephen Trujillo is a writer in Bangkok.

A View from the Hover - John Farley

A View from the Hover

The thrilling, career-spanning autobiography of one of the world’s most respected test pilots, notably on the Harrier, and a leading authority on a very wide range of piloting and aviation issues, which is full of insider knowledge, real-life flying stories and hard-won technical advice, plus exclusive introductory videos and vintage footage galore. A View From The Hover takes you from John’s beginnings as an engineering apprentice at Farnborough in 1950 through his lengthy career as an RAF test pilot and time as an instructor at the RAF College Cranwell to the period spent with the RAE Aerodynamics Research Flight (on the Short SC1 and Hawker P1127 prototype) and the nineteen years he served as Harrier Chief Test Pilot. After retiring in 1983, John spent another five years as a freelance test pilot, during which he added twenty types to the sixty different aircraft he’d already flown, and also performed at many major airshows around the globe. Since then he’s encouraged youngsters to enter the world of aviation and this book also features his incredibly valuable thoughts about and explanations of a range of traditionally tricky subjects, from aerodynamics to the Private Pilot’s Licence syllabus. Whether you’re just fascinated by amazing fifty-year period in British aviation history, want to know exactly how to fly a Harrier, or are earning your PPL, this is a must-read!

世界兵器大百科学生版 - 《图书天下:学生版》编委会



Sabot - Shawn Kyle


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke … British / Irish statesman and Member of Parliament, economist, and philosopher 1700s An internet multi billionaire has decided to do something to rid the world of evil. Commissioning twin submarines with electromagnetic launching rails capable of putting solid metal rods in orbit or continental spanning sub orbital trajectories with computerized steering jets capable of pinpoint accuracy the Submarines roam the world eliminating evil world leaders and defending the United States.

孫子兵法 - 孫武 & 原劍


《孫子兵法》,即《孫子》,又稱作《武經》、《兵經》、《孫武兵法》、《吳孫子兵法》,是中國古代的兵書,作者為春秋末期的齊國人孫武(字長卿)。一般認為,《孫子兵法》成書於專諸刺吳王僚之後至闔閭三年孫武見吳王之間,也即前515至前512年,全書為十三篇,是孫武初次見面贈送給吳王的見面禮;事見司馬遷《史記》:「孫子武者,齊人也,以兵法見吳王闔閭。闔閭曰:子之十三篇吾盡觀之矣」。 《孫子兵法》是世界上最早的兵書之一。被奉為中國兵家經典,後世的兵書大多受到它的影響,對中國的軍事學發展影響非常深遠。它也被翻譯成多種語言,在世界軍事史上具有重要的地位的著作。

Bałkany - Grzegorz Kaliciak


Dla polskiej armii początek lat dziewięćdziesiątych był bardzo trudny, a środków brakowało dosłownie na wszystko. Jednak gdy przyszła prośba o pomoc, wojsko się nie zawahało. W bałkańską misję ruszył największy od czasów II wojny światowej Polski Kontyngent Wojskowy. Na miejscu czekało żołnierzy ważne zadanie – przywrócenie spokoju i normalnego życia po krwawej wojnie domowej. Pierwszy kontyngent wysłano do Chorwacji. Krótko potem powołano kolejny dla Bośni i Hercegowiny. Wreszcie pod koniec lat dziewięćdziesiątych utworzono siły pokojowe dla Kosowa. Misje w dwóch ostatnich krajach wciąż trwają. Na początku głównym zadaniem żołnierzy stacjonujących na Bałkanach było rozminowywanie. W efekcie szaleństwa wojny domowej miny były wszędzie: na szkolnych placach zabaw, nadrzecznych plażach, leśnych dróżkach i cmentarzach. Dzień w dzień, metr po metrze, w górach i dolinach polscy saperzy przeczesywali ziemię. Niektórzy podczas tej ofiarnej służby stracili życie. Dzisiejszy kontyngent składa się między innymi ze służb rozpoznania i wywiadu. Każdego dnia ruszają w teren po cenne informacje. Odbywają setki rozmów, weryfikują pogłoski, oceniają zagrożenia. A tych wciąż nie brakuje na Bałkanach, zwłaszcza w czasach rozkwitu nacjonalizmu i fundamentalizmu religijnego. To właśnie misje w krajach byłej Jugosławii otworzyły naszą armię na świat i choć nadal trwają, bez wątpienia można stwierdzić, że żołnierze podołali swoim obowiązkom. Książka pułkownika Grzegorza Kaliciaka to rzetelny raport z polskich misji na Bałkanach, o których rzadko pamiętamy, choć każdego dnia zapisują się w historii polskiego wojska. „„Raport z polskich misji” jest lekturą niezwykłą. O Bałkanach opowiadają nie politycy, politolodzy czy inni mądrale, którzy choć nigdy nie byli w Slunju, Sarajewie, w wiosce Kamenica, mieście Maglaj, w Prisztinie czy Kosowskiej Mitrowicy, to wiedzą najlepiej, co tam się wydarzyło i jak dziś wygląda miejscowe życie. A ono wcale nie wyglądało i nie wygląda tak, jak by chcieli. Opowiadają o tym żołnierze, uczestnicy misji pokojowych na Bałkanach, którzy na miejscu spędzili wiele miesięcy, na własnej skórze doświadczyli powojennej rzeczywistości, patrzyli, obserwowali, wyciągali wnioski. Dalecy od polityki i politykowania, bo nie taka była ich rola, nie mogli jednak polityki nie dostrzegać. Ich relacje różnią się od tego, co można przeczytać w oficjalnych komentarzach. Że wszyscy Serbowie to nacjonaliści, że Chorwaci nie popełniali zbrodni, że w Bośni nie ma radykalnych islamistów, a wojna w Kosowie wybuchła z powodów religijnych. Polscy żołnierze byli na miejscu, ciężko pracowali, czasem także ginęli, bo wprawdzie nie było już wojny, ale pozostały po niej tysiące min, które trzeba było wyszukiwać gołymi rękami i rozbrajać. Czy Polska umiała się zatroszczyć o ich bezpieczeństwo i bezpieczeństwo ich rodzin? Jaka była nasza armia? Wyjeżdżając na misje nie mieli pojęcia co ich spotka. Szybko się uczyli, dorastali do roli. To jedna warstwa książki. Druga, równie ważna, to bałkańskie realia. Dzięki Grzegorzowi Kaliciakowi słuchamy obiektywnych relacji żołnierzy nieuwikłanych w polityczne spory. Warto je poznać.” Jagienka Wilczak, „Polityka”

The Methods of the Sima - Sima Rangju

The Methods of the Sima

Considered to be one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China, it is not currently known who exactly composed the Methods of the Sima. Modern historians suggest that it was likely compiled from various extant military treatises existing in the state of Qi in the fourth century BC during the ‘Warring States’ period. It is generally accredited to a prominent commander of Qi forces of that time, Sima Rangju, who seems to have been ‘Minister of War’. Only five of the 155 chapters reported in the Han dynasty exist, all editions of the Methods of the Sima seem to be remnants of a larger, more extensive work.

Betrayed - Frederic H Martini


While the US government for decades claimed that no Allied POWs were held in German concentration camps, 168 Allied airmen were beaten, experimented on, and otherwise abused in Buchenwald,  Betrayed is the true story of two men on opposing sides in WWII, one a sergeant in the US Air Corps who was shot down, betrayed, and imprisoned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp.  The other was a Nazi engineer, an SS-major who obtained slave laborers from Buchenwald for his V-2 factory at the Mittelwerk.   The Nazi engineer was Dr. Wernher von Braun, a national hero of the Third Reich.  After the war, the records of both men were classified Top Secret and concealed by threats, denials, and misrepresentations.  The US government refuted the sergeant’s accurate account, while promoting a fabricated history for the engineer, who became as famous and revered in the US as he had been in Nazi Germany. Betrayed demonstrates how an unconstrained military intelligence operation disrupted the lives of American ex-POWs in the name of national security.

孙子兵法新读(读酷少年儿童国学启蒙版) - 胡元斌 & 郭艳红


读酷®出品 书非酷不能读 【编辑推荐】 ★它是古代中国军事思想精华的集中体现 《孙子兵法》谈兵论战,集谋略之大成,被历代军事家广为运用,在世界军事领域拥有广泛影响,享有极高的声誉。 ★它是拿破仑的枕边书,具有现代指导意义的谋略之书 《孙子兵法》被翻译成英、俄、日、德等几十种语言文字,不少国家的军校把它列为课堂教材,其中论述的基本理论和思想还被运用到了现代经营决策和社会管理方面。 ★原文、注释、新读、案例一应俱全,帮助孩子轻松学习 书中收录了《孙子兵法》13篇全部内容,注释权威易懂,新读则是用现代说话方式将译文呈现出来,更加适合孩子阅读和理解,案例紧贴内容生动有趣,加强孩子对兵法实践运用的理解。这本书能帮助孩子累积文字素材,提高文字功底,作文有事儿写! ★纸质书售价29.80元,电子书加倍优质更经济实惠,随时随地尽情阅读。 【关于我们】 读酷(ducool)致力于出品高端电子书 让移动阅读能超越纸质书的阅读体验 我们知道,您不会因为是电子书就降低对品质的要求 因此,我们以匠心制作每一本电子书 不但全部由设计师精心手作 大部分还配以高清图片、多媒体以及互动 确保阅读体验达到甚至超过纸质书 在内容方面,专业编辑团队对每一本书都进行了精挑细选 力求做到宁缺勿滥,帮助读者把好第一道关 请认准读酷®品牌,这是我们对您的品质承诺 欢迎关注我们的微信“读酷ducool” 北京新学堂网络科技有限公司 荣誉出品 【内容简介】 《孙子兵法》是中国古典军事文化遗产中的璀璨瑰宝,它共有十三篇,虽只有5900字左右,却是一部论述军事领域内部联系和规律的兵学杰作。 全书保持原有的兵法十三篇的篇章结构,吸取古今整理、注释、校勘的优秀成果,对《孙子兵法》每篇逐一剖析,新读从孩子的角度出发,条理清晰,通俗易懂,是一部适合青少年儿童阅读的国学读物。 【名人、用户评价】 观诸兵书,无出孙武。——唐太宗李世民 就中国历史来考究,两千多年的兵书,有十三篇,那十三篇兵书,便成立中国的军事哲学。所以照那十三篇兵书讲,是先有战斗的事实,然后才成那本兵书。——孙中山 孙子的规律,“知彼知己,百战不殆”乃至今天仍是科学真理。——毛泽东 孙武思想的惊人之处在于:把一些词句稍加改动,这些箴言竟然务必适用于现在。——英国空军元帅斯莱瑟 《孙子兵法》是本好书,想给孩子看但是一直没找到真正适合孩子看的,说是白话版但还是很多东西理解不了。无意中在手机里翻到读酷孙子兵法新读,发现内容的编排完全是从孩子的角度出发,很适合孩子阅读。推荐!——小飞车

三十六计(教育部语文新课标必读丛书) - Jin Bo





Published when he was still an undergrad at Oxford, this title is the definitive guide to war in the middle ages. Spaning the time frame of 378 AD to 1515. Or, from the Vikings to the beginning of the Renaissance. Charles Oman weaves a wonderful tale of war and concurring, of the death of the pagan gods and the coming of Christianity. A must read for all history buffs, even mentioned in Dan Carlin’s podcast, “Twilight of the Aesir”. The Art of War in the Middle Ages by Charles Oman is a book of medieval military chronicles first published in in 1885 England. A true book of worth, a classic that lives in an era of timeless distinction. Early books emit an excellence unlike any from modern times. You will not be dissatisfied with these works, a military history novel at their finest. A Look Inside "In France those absurd perversions of the art of war which covered themselves under the name of chivalry were more omnipotent than in any other country of Europe. The strength of the armies of Philip and John of Valois was composed of a fiery and undisciplined aristocracy which imagined itself to be the most efficient military force in the world, but which was in reality little removed from an armed mob." Charles William Chadwick Oman About the Book Charles Oman's book "The Art of War in the Middle Ages: A.D. 378-1515" From the Battle of Adrianople in 378 A.D. until the Battle of Marignano in 1515 A.D., this book provides a thorough history of medieval warfare. It offers insightful knowledge on this era's military tactics, strategy, and art. A Stunning Reproduction At Van Isle Publishing, we take every step possible to ensure the original integrity of this book has been upheld to its highest standard. This means that the texts in this story are unedited and unchanged from the original authors publication, preserving its earliest form for your indulgence. This title is one of the best war books, of all time, words strung together with such romantic precision, a history of medieval warfare that you just do not see in the modern age. This title will make an excellent gift to the classic history of war buff in your life or a fantastic addition to your current collection. We are ready to ship this book off to you today at lightning speed, so you will find yourself indulging in this title without delay. Books Specifics ● Original 1885 Text ● Military Art and Science Annotated Content • Historical Context • Detailed 19th Century Historical bullet pointed context • With Original Maps and Plans

2024 ARMY ROTC Handbook - NH

2024 ARMY ROTC Handbook

As a cadet who learned about the Army ROTC program in high school, I had many questions. How is it structured? What is the process? Can I receive a scholarship? What is it like inside a program? If you are starting Army ROTC, and want to know all about the process, this book is for you. This book will explain everything you need to know about ROTC. Content that I gathered through my four years in a one program. I was at the top ten percent of cadets in the country, a CULP scholarship recipient, a Project GO scholarship recipient, a mountain warfare school graduate, and now a commissioned officer. This will aid you in becoming the best officer you can be, and help you achieve in the Army ROTC program. Dedication and commitment is crucial, and learning the basic knowledge in this handbook will excel you in any program you become apart of.

The Dreams in the Witch House - ZhangJiaying

The Dreams in the Witch House

I love reading, which can cultivate our thoughts, sentiments, and inspire us through education. I think reading is based on diligence.

Your Defensive Rifle Training Program - Michael R Seeklander

Your Defensive Rifle Training Program

"Your Defensive Rifle Training Program" is the ultimate functional training program designed to develop your skills while using the superior weapon system, the rifle. Whether you are an armed citizen, Law Enforcement Officer, or member of the U.S. Military that uses a rifle as a home defense or tactical tool, success requires an incredible amount of skill. Don’t make the mistake of being the one who fails to prepare yourself for the fight of your life! The book is written for AR-15 type rifle systems, but also covers training with and the use of several other variations of rifles, including manually operated rifles. THIS STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE INCLUDES: •Rifle Selection and Modification (including caliber and rifle length consideration guest chapters written by key experts)•Mental Preparation•Physical Preparation•Firearm Skills Development•Alternate Methods of Training•The Training Design Cycle•High Performance Rifle Marksmanship and Manipulation Techniques•Rifle Retention Techniques•Close Quarters Techniques•Low Light Techniques•And much more!For the total immersion experience please strongly consider buying the DVD set or Vimeo Download ( that was designed to be used in this program!

Marine Corps Tactical Publication MCTP 3-20B Aviation Ground Support May 2021 - United States Government, US Marine Corps

Marine Corps Tactical Publication MCTP 3-20B Aviation Ground Support May 2021

This United States Marine Corps USMC manual, Marine Corps Tactical Publication MCTP 3-20B Aviation Ground Support May 2021, applies the philosophies in Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 4, Logistics, and MCDP 3, Expeditionary Operations, to Marine Corps Aviation Ground Support (AGS). It is the link between Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 3-20, Aviation Operations, and the tactics, techniques, and procedures contained in other Marine Corps aviation and logistic publications. In establishing the doctrinal basis for the planning and execution of AGS, this publication provides the basis for employment of AGS by the aviation combat element of the Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) during the prosecution of war and other operations that support the Marine Corps' mission. Marine Corps AGS is an integral part of the MAGTF because it extends its tactical reach and flexibility for the aviation combat element. This publication provides a common basis for understanding Marine Corps AGS and the manner in which the MAGTF can tactically exploit those capabilities. Therefore, this publication is intended for commanders and staff officers who are responsible for the planning and execution of aviation operations and for personnel involved in the execution of aviation operations. It is also intended for other doctrine centers, joint and multinational staffs, professional military educational activities, and other activities that require an understanding of Marine Corps AGS.

كتاب ما بعد إسرائيل - مارسيلو سفيرسكي

كتاب ما بعد إسرائيل

يؤكد مارسيلو سفيرسكي في هذا الكتاب ، الجديد والفريد من نوعه ، على أنه ليس هناك حل سياسي مطروح في الوقت الراهن يمكنه أن يوفر الماهية الثقافية اللازمة لإحداث تحول على أساليب بقاء دولة إسرائيل وسبل الحياة فيها . يُناقش سفيرسكي ، على نحو مثير للجدل ، فكرة أن المشروع السياسي الصهيوني غير قابل للإصلاح ، أي أنه الوحيد الذي يؤثر سلبا على حياة المستفيدين منه كما على ضحاياه أيضاً . بالمقابل يهدف الكتاب إلى إحداث موقف معاكس ، يسمح لليهود الإسرائيليين باكتشاف الآلية التي تمكنهم من تجريد أنفسهم من الهويات الصهيونية وذلك من خلال الإنخراط بالأفكار والممارسات والمؤسسات المنشقة عن تلك الهويات . أخيرا فإن إنتاج المعدات والتكنولوجيا العسكرية التي تساعد إسرائيل على السيطرة على حياة الفلسطينيين ، بسياسات الفصل وقوانينه والمساحات المخصصة لليهود وللفلسطينيين ، ترتبط جميعا بإنتاج ذوات الصهيونية وأنماط وجودها . إن التغلب على أنماط الوجود هذه هو ( ما بعد

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Art of War

Written in the 6th century BC, Sun Tzu's The Art of War is still used as a book of military strategy today. Napoleon, Mae Zedong, General Vo Nguyen Giap and General Douglas MacArthur all claimed to have drawn inspiration from it. And beyond the world of war, business and management gurus have also applied Sun Tzu's ideas to office politics and corporate strategy. Using a new translation by James Trapp and including editorial notes, this edition of The Art of War is printed on high quality paper and bound by traditional Chinese book-making techniques, and has been nominated for two prizes in the British Book Design & Production Awards 2011. It contains the full 13 chapters on such topics as laying plans, attacking by stratagem, weaponry, terrain and the use of spies. Sun Tzu addresses different campaign situations, marching, energy and how to exploit your enemy's weaknesses.

The Seagulls That Went To Dunkirk - Danny Bamber

The Seagulls That Went To Dunkirk

The date 26 June 1940, the start of the Dunkirk evacuations France, World War 2. The Seagulls of Saint Margarets at Cliffe noticed all the small boats heading towards Dover. So without permission, two gulls, Drooly and Rolo went to investigate. The information they brought back to their leader Ringo resulted in him sending a small group of mismatched seagulls across the channel to investigate further. Most will return back as heroes. Why? Ask a Seagull or read this book.

Le ciel n'était pas vide, 1940 - François d'Astier de La Vigerie

Le ciel n'était pas vide, 1940

Non, le ciel n’était pas vide lorsque, le 10 mai 1940, l’armée allemande pénétra en Belgique. Certes, les Stukas semblaient s’imposer aux civils comme aux combattants. On peut dire aujourd’hui non seulement que l’aviation n’a pas failli, mais qu’elle s’est retrouvée — au moment de l’Armistice — parfaitement en ordre, et que c’est encore un instrument de combat tout à fait valable qui fut livré aux Allemands. L’auteur de ce livre commandait — du 10 mai au 17 juin — l’aviation du groupe d’armées Billotte. Il fut à même de discerner le rôle de l’aviation française, et de voir dans quelles mesures nos ailes avaient été trahies. Cette relation constitue un récit humain souvent émouvant, capable d’intéresser tous ceux qui cherchent à savoir s’ils ont été trahis, et par qui. Ce livre est un document dans la mesure où il raconte, c’est un pamphlet dans la mesure où il accuse. Mais la critique prend sa force dans sa soumission aux faits, et il y a là des preuves.

War & Warriors - Tyr Blackthorn

War & Warriors

History is not as it seems, unless it is the officially sanctioned, officially issued for consumption-manipulation of the faceless masses. There is only one Winnable War

El Arte de Mandar - André Gavet

El Arte de Mandar

El Arte de Mandar es un libro de liderazgo militar y de estructuración de la personalidad de los comanadantes de tropas en actividades operacionales y administrativas, basadas en el ejemplo, la autoridad moral, la educación integral de los oficiales y la visión de los fenómenos bélicos dentro del entorno político interno y externo del Estado al que pertenecen las Fuerzas Militares. Aunque el libro fue redactado y publicado en 1899, con énfasis en términos de dinámicas militares y bélicas, dados los avances de la vida económica, social, política, comercial, diplomática y geopolítica del mundo contemporaneo, es evidente que este texto tiene perfecta aplicación en todos los ámbitos de la vida civil, en especial para los hombres y mujeres que dirigen grupos humanos para mejorar el alcance de los objetivos empresariales, institucionales, sociales y gubernamentales. Esta obra aporta a los lectores herramientas prácticas para aplicar orientaciones basadas en la sociología política, social o militar y la sicología de los seres humanos en desarrollo de sus labores cotidianas laborales o sociales.

HIGH-SPIRITED MUSTANG - Vol. I - René J. Francillon


This Volume, out of four, of the history of the North American Aviation P-51 Mustang and P-82 Twin Mustang,  takes you from the first steps of the North American Aviation Corporation to the end of the evolution  of those two aircraft, through the British decision to award the development of this exceptional  fighter to NAA. It also provides the production history  with links between military serials and model blocks. Richly illustrated, this volume gives the background information and overview required to enjoy the operational history detailed in Volumes II and III.

中国之武士道 - 梁启超 & 大米书坊


""写作本书的时候,梁启超32岁,因为戊戌变法失败遭到淸政府的通缉,在日本流亡。有感于国人的某些不足,他以百科全书式的大学问和大气派,把终极关怀寄托于中华民族自强自立,寄托于中国文化的现代化,因此于1904年(即清光绪三十年)10月写下《中国之武士道》。11月,由上海广智书局出版。署名“饮冰室主人”。 国家的衰朽,政治的腐败,国民精神的儒弱,造成了外国人对中国人的歧视,当时西方和日本都认为“中国之历史,不武之历史也,中国之民族,不武之民族也”。这刺激了梁启超,他激动地说:“吾耻其言,吾愤其言,吾未能卒服也。”于是愤而下笔,著成此书,发掘古代的尚武精神、刚性文化。 他选取了七十多个春秋、战国时期的著名人物作为中国武士道精神的体现者,他们来自社会的各个阶层,身份、地位迥异,有侠客、刺客,有君主、将军、宰相、太子,也有地方官员、陪臣、谋士、士兵,还有仆人、渔夫、民妇、屠夫等社会下层的普通人。 他希望这部书能够唤起国人尚武之精神,不再苟且偷安混沌度日。所谓武士道,不是某种身份如武士、侠客、刺客,也不是某些行为如生猛、卤莽、讲义气、敢拼命,而是一种精神,一种刚健昂扬、积极果敢、有原则、有坚持、不苟且、不委琐的生活态度。这样的精神和态度是一个国家和民族崛起和振兴所必需的。""

El Arté de la Guerra - Sun Tzu

El Arté de la Guerra

La obra muestra la inteligencia y la frescura de los ensayos de Sun Tzu. En ella Sun Tzu explica al detalle los preparativos previos a la guerra: estrategias de engaño, disposición de las tropas en el campo de batalla, armamento necesario, carros de combate, etcétera. Cómo poder llegar a vencer al enemigo sin tener que desempeñarse al enfrentamiento cara a cara: simplemente imponiendo una moral dominante, infundiendo el miedo al enemigo para así lograr el planteamiento central del libro: "poder vencer sin llegar a la batalla" .

Dimensions of War - Samuel Solvit

Dimensions of War

With today mutable identities and various kinds of warfare, how do we further our understanding of war? Reviewing influential war theories from Machiavelli to the present, this book analyses how they reduce war in terms of time, space, interaction, purpose, aim, and/or evolution. Considering war as a complex adaptive system allows us to increase our overall comprehension of contemporary wars.

Suezilta Afganistaniin - Rauli Virtanen

Suezilta Afganistaniin

Joulukuussa 1956 puolueettomuuspoliittisia ensi askeleitaan ottavasta pienestä maasta oli tulossa rauhanturvaamisen suurvalta. Kymmenen muun osallistujamaan ohella Suomen tuli varmistaa taistelujen päättyminen Suezilla sekä englantilaisten, ranskalaisten ja israelilaisten miehittäjien rauhanomainen poistuminen Egyptin maaperältä. Moskova ei hyvillä mielin katsellut läntisten YK-joukkojen lisääntyvää vaikutusvaltaa Lähi-idässä. Pelättiin jopa kolmannen maailmansodan puhkeamista.   Suezin kriisin jälkeen ovat kurinalaisuudestaan kiitetyt rauhanpuolustajamme ponnistelleet kovissa olosuhteissa kahtiajaetulla Kyproksella, Siinain hiekkaerämaassa, Golanin kukkuloilla, Libanonin ruutitynnyrissä ja viimeksi tienvarsipommein kylvetyssä Afganistanissa.   Mutta millaista on rauhanturvaajan arkipäivä? Kuinka kiperistä tilanteista selvitään paitsi hengissä myös henkisenä voittajana?   Journalistisista ansioistaan palkitun Rauli Virtasen teos pureutuu rauhanturvaamisen menneisyyteen ja nykypäivään. Asiantuntevissa artikkeleissa taustoitetaan rauhanturvaoperaatioiden poliittisia päätöksiä. Kuvaharvinaisuudet ja rauhanturvaajien henkilökohtaiset tarinat, autenttiset päiväkirjamerkinnät ja kaipauksen täyttämät kirjeet paljastavat toiminnan luonteen koko karuudessaan. Rauli Virtanen on freelancetoimittaja, tietokirjailija ja ohjaaja, joka tunnetaan erityisesti maailman kriisialueilla tekemistään reportaaseista. Hänen artikkelinsa ja dokumenttinsa ovat olleet esillä sekä suomalaisissa että kansainvälisissä tiedotusvälineissä. Virtanen on saanut uransa aikana mm. Tiedonjulkistamisen valtionpalkinnon, Suomen Kuvalehden journalistipalkinnon, Urho Kekkosen 70-vuotisjuhlasäätiön tunnustuspalkinnon, SPR:n "Inhimillinen kädenojennus" -tunnustuksen ja Puolustusvoimain sotilasansiomitalin.

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