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The Witch Queen of Halloween

The Witch Queen of Halloween

The next spellbinding installment in the #1 New York Times bestselling Immortals After Dark series . . .

  • Meh. Meh. Meh.

    I’ve read every book in this series, as well as all the author’s other adult novels. It seems the author is grasping at straws for entertaining storylines. This book was a quick read. I didn’t connect with the characters as I have with many other books in this series. The witch’s powers were ridiculously bad. For as long as the wait was for this book, I was hoping for something much better. Seems the more recent books have lost their sparkle when compared to older material.

    By Katsonfire

  • So suspenseful!

    Kresley Cole is my favorite author and I have read all of her books! This book was so fresh and exciting! It carried such a different vibe than her previous books. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat for most of this book and hanging on for dear life! Love love love!

    By Summerfun1991

  • Beyond amazing

    Let it be known ahead of this review … I named the love of my life… an English mastiff — Nixie, doy, doy, doy… she was named for Nïx, Valkyrie Queen and Primordial… Queen of Accessions. Not to brag but; her 12x grandfather was in fact, Hercules from the Sandlot. I loved Halloween so much my first and only son was born on the holiday. This book was written for my heart and soul. It did not disappoint. ‼️ SPOILER ‼️ ALERT ‼️ 👇🏻 I thought this would end with Poppy and Röx opening a haunted house for immortals but I can “see” where we’re going with “Wrath”. I am so glad Kresley is back! I’m not big on giving trust to someone a second time, especially since it was burned so hard waiting for Munro for so long. I am so excited for this series to continue. You’ve been sorely missed Cole! Welcome back! 💕

    By Inked Beastie

  • A little different but in a good way!

    The plot was both on brand for Kresley but also pretty unique! The drama might have been resolved kind of quickly but I still really enjoyed Rok & Poppy and the teaser at the end!

    By art_sky

  • So fun & one I’ll be reading every Halloween!

    I’m going to confess something that’s probably horrifying to a lot of people, though that does seem on brand considering the book we’re here about is The Witch Queen of Halloween (you’ll understand once you read this book and also that is not a dig towards the story at all because I flipping loved it!), but I’m not someone who loves Halloween. Now, I don’t hate it, but I just don’t have a deep love for it that I know so many do. It simply wasn’t a holiday that was very important in my household growing up and though I wish I loved it as much as other people do, I really only have a bit of a fondness for it right now. I hope that changes someday and that I’ll love Halloween fully, but until then what warm fuzzies I do have for Halloween will most be due to my love for horror movies, horror movie podcasts, and this book right here because as I said before — I positively loved The Witch Queen of Halloween! I have to say, the Halloween vibes in The Witch Queen of Halloween are immaculate! If you love Halloween and all the bits that go with it, I think you’ll love this book and have the best time reading it — I know I did. Rök and Poppy’s story was just so fun and I enjoyed every single second of it. Rök and Poppy were awesome, their dynamic and chemistry was so alive, and I just adored this storyline that Ms. Cole came up with. I know I’ve already said this book was fun, but I just want to keep describing it that way because that’s what it is — pure sugary, candy coated, spooky goodness F-U-N — FUN! It was totally the bomb and I don’t usually have books I read every Halloween, but I want to make a new tradition that I read The Witch Queen of Halloween every Halloween from now on starting this year even if that means reading it twice in one year. I don’t care, I just love it!

    By AHopelessRomantic'sBooklandia
