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Chasing Fire

Chasing Fire

In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Nora Roberts delves into the world of elite firefighters who thrive on danger and adrenaline—men and women who wouldn’t know how to live life if it wasn’t on the edge.

Little else in life is as dangerous as fire jumping. But there’s also little else as thrilling—at least to Rowan Tripp. Being a Missoula smoke jumper is in Rowan’s blood: her father is a legend in the field. At this point, returning to the wilds of Montana for the season feels like coming home—even with reminders of the partner she lost last season still lingering in the air.

One of the best of this year’s rookie crop, Gulliver Curry is a walking contradiction, a hotshot firefighter with a big vocabulary and a winter job at a kids’ arcade. And though Rowan, as a rule, doesn’t hook up with other smoke jumpers, Gull is convinced he can change her mind... 

But everything is thrown off balance when a dark presence lashes out against Rowan, looking to blame someone for last year’s tragedy. Rowan knows she can’t complicate things with Gull—any distractions in the air or on the ground could be lethal. But if she doesn’t find someone she can lean on when the heat gets intense, her life may go down in flames.

  • Chasing Fire

    Excellent Read - Excellent learning about Zullie firefighters and how they work!

    By Florinda1404

  • Courageous men and women.

    Story of truly heroic crews fighting to preserve our natural wonders. Reinforced my decision, after fighting one fire, to remain a timber beast in working the woods in my college summers, and then joining the Air Force.

    By WaLady

  • Uniquely awesome

    First book review. Unique. Great characters, even secondary characters. No slow spots. Great imagery especially in the fire. Had me hooked through the last period. Very good read.

    By gliterkittenisdope

  • A great read

    I am in awe of Nora’s writing. She puts so much research into her books. The knowledge and dynamics of fighting wildfires, the character development. I feel as if I am right there, grabbing hose and fighting along side with them. Too many people comment about Nora Roberts books being unoriginal, with typical story line. Just because her books end up with a happy ending, there is nothing typical about her storylines. No one can write such a beautiful romance in a well played suspenseful story. This is a great read!


  • Love

    It was a fun read. I loved the personality of characters. Being a wildland firefighter myself, i found this story line to be somewhat an adrenaline trigger.

