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Confessions of a Naughty Nanny

Confessions of a Naughty Nanny

When a famous music producer moves to Lake Starlight it can’t just be a coincidence. It’s the universe helping to move things along in the right direction so that Griffin Thorne can discover me.

I have to confess—I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Confession #1: I may have overhead that he was in search of a nanny. What can I say? My brother has a big mouth.

Confession #2: It’s possible I helped along the assumption that I had nanny experience. Hey, babysitting my nieces and nephew counts, right?

Confession #3: There’s a good chance I oversold my qualifications. But my Grandma Dori backed me up, so it’s not completely my fault.

And it worked. He hired me. Only for me to find out that he left the business. 
I guess it’s on to Plan B.

When he accidentally overhears me singing, I expect nothing from him. Then he asks to work with me on a song for our town’s Founder’s Day Parade and it feels like a dream come true. Until...

Confession #4: I’ve fallen for him. 

  • And more

    Cannot stop reading

    By josieleelo

  • Reading Junkie

    I love these books !! I get so wrapped up in their characters lives . They have the perfect combination of romance and humor 🤣❤️

    By jvm in va

  • Engaging

    I loved reading a story where you can feel how the character feels. Great writing and awesome love story with a different type of family dynamics.

    By Missouri Mulkey

  • Confessions of a Naughty Nanny ( Lake Starlight Alaska book 6 ) by Piper Rayne

    I love this series can’t stop reading each book until it’s finished . This is Phoenix and Griffin’s story , Griffin a famous music producer moves to Lake Starlight and has given up his career to raise his son in this small town in Alaska . Phoenix who has always wanted a music career finds a way to meet Griffin by pretending to be a nanny and is hired by him to take care of his son. See what happens that finally leads to a HEA for these two .

    By R Starchman

  • Great story

    I love all the books in this series!

    By Nanette24
